Training OpportunitY
Holt Ag Solutions believes in growing its own from the ground up when it comes to its technician workforce. We offer a training program called GRO. You can start your career path at Holt Ag Solutions with this training program.
During year 1, trainees in our GRO program will attend 7 trainings for their division:
- Computer Fundamentals including SIS/ET
- Electrical Fundamentals (DPC, ILT)
- Engine Repair & Fasteners
- Basic Welding
- Tier 4 Technology (DPC)
- Warranty & Service Report Writing
- LOTO – DPC Online Learning
Each trainee will have monthly evaluations to ensure their progress towards technical expertise. Tool boxes and tools will be provided for each trainee by Holt Ag Solutions, while the trainee maintains the inventory for each toolbox. At the end of the 4 year program, this toolbox will be the trainees.
To learn more information about Holt Ag Solutions’s GRO program, reach out using the form below!